Thank for to all those who participated in 2018!
Water is the basis for life. The human body is more than 60% water: Blood is 92% water, the brain and muscles are 75% water, and bones are about 22% water. We need water to quench our thirst, grow our food, clean our bodies, clothes and homes. One of the reasons we do a river clean-up in Hudson is so that we have CLEAN water throughout the Community. Contaminated drinking water is one of the major causes of health problems for people in developing countries and the leading cause of death in children. Drinking water is often too far away in rural areas and if it’s not clean, drinking the water puts people at risk of serious waterborne diseases. We are fortunate in Hudson to have so many volunteers that care about our waterfront and the St. Croix River!
YAH youth will picked up trash in Lakefront Park on Tuesday, July 17th from 10-11:30a. If you are interested in helping with the clean-up efforts next year please contact Meredith Arcand at [email protected]
YAH youth will picked up trash in Lakefront Park on Tuesday, July 17th from 10-11:30a. If you are interested in helping with the clean-up efforts next year please contact Meredith Arcand at [email protected]
Each summer, as part of RiverFest, YAH hosts a river cleanup! Last year, we had the unique opportunity to turn trash into art! A metal bass named "Scrappy" was constructed using materials found at the Camp St. Croix campus. The trash that was collected during the July RiverFest cleanup was then used to decorate "Scrappy"! Scrappy has made appearances at many public places and events, including the Pepperfest and Booster Day parades.